If I turn off the SW in the garage I have no hot at all to the SW inside the house. There is no voltage at the red? Is that right? the red is connected to single treminal on opposite side of SW than the 2 blacks are. Currently the SW in the garage has to be one for the one inside to operate the lights on or off. There is a switch in the garage and one just inside the house on the opposite side of the same wall that should turn the light on and off. Think I may be a little stumped though and would like some of your feedback. suspected a bad switch or loose connections so I thought I would check it. I am visiting a relative and noticed one of the 3 way switches that operates the overhead lights in the garage doesn't work sometimes.
Would this, in fact, be accurate since I only have 15 amp outlets making it still useless? Is there an adapter to convert the current plug to the typical wall outlet? I don’t want to cut off the old plug only to find it won’t run without tripping breakers at lower 115 volts.Īny ideas and thoughts would be appreciated. I did notice the amp rating of the motor is 22 amps for 115v service. All I need to do is change the location of T2 and T3 connections, then change out the plug. I was thinking about converting the motor to 115v operation. The problem is that I don’t have empty slots in my electrical box to run another line at my new home. I only used this compressor a few hours myself before I moved. Since it was wired for 230v operation I installed a new 230v line for it at my old home. The air compressor is late 70’s early 80’s that I bought unused in original packaging at an estate sale 20 years ago. I hope you all don’t mind me continuing an old thread about another variant of the Doerr LR22132 motor on an old air compressor.