Publication date 2001 Topics Deer hunter, hunting, hunt, pc game, simulation, cd-rom Language English. Deer Hunter 5 Tracking Trophies 5th Anniversary Edition by InfoGames. Thick forests of towering trees will engulf the player in the virtual forest. Deer Hunter 5 Tracking Trophies 5th Anniversary Edition by InfoGames.
The original game in the series was released in November, 1997. New animals to hunt, such as elk, grizzly bear and black bear also expand the challenge to players, with some of the new animals capable of turning the hunter into the hunted! An improved 3D engine provides amazing details such as reflective water, fog coming from the mouths of the animals in cold weather, and light shining off the barrel of your gun. Deer Hunter is a series of hunting simulation video games.Originally available for Windows platform published by WizardWorks Software, it was also published on Mac, and later on Game Boy Color, PlayStation 2, and mobile phones. Players will also not be alone in the virtual woods, even when playing single player, as computer controlled bot hunters roam the woods, attracting and spooking the same deer the player is after. New to Deer Hunter 5 are features such as an expanded virtual season that allows players to manage their deer herd over as many years with realistic genetics and deer growth. Same as the other cheats hit f8 then type in monster for monster size trophy bucks, you need to do this at the beginning of every hunt, I do it at the map screen. You can now track other hunters and their locations during your hunt. (cheats) Deer Hunter 5: Tracking Trophies ProGames.RU - (computer games), (codes, cheats for games), (solutions, guides), nocd (. Deer Hunter 5: Tracking Trophies Walkthrough & FAQ Made by Atracker Version 1.0 Game made and published by Sunstorm and Sylum E-mail: This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. Deer Hunter 5 builds on the successes of its predecessors while pushing the limits of the hunting genre in new directions to create the most realistic hunting game ever made. In addition to the maps and marking tools, you can also use photos to navigate to your trophy destination without any hassles Hunting gps feature Track Hunter Locations - Finding hunter positions is easier than ever with Lenzmark Hunt.

Deer Hunter 5: Tracking Trophies is the latest in the best-selling hunting series. Deer Hunter 5: Tracking Trophies cheats codes and combos.